Wear It Workshops
Free of charge 9.00am to 5.00pm at Maam Gaduying Park
Help divert textiles from landfill by joining in the workshops at Maam Gaduying Park (in front of Council Chambers).
There will be plenty of help on hand, including from designer Lemu Reeves, Vinnies volunteers and Tehai Vicario, who will demonstrate how to show off your textile waste creations on the runway at Memorial Hall.
9.00am – all day
SEWING STATIONS – This is where the community gets creative with textile waste.
Create a new garment or outfit for your chance to win one of four prize catergories:
Best Bowie - your look reminds us of 70s glam or 80s rock icon - selected by Starman
A Little Bit Wonka - inventive new looks for kids - selected by Lemu Reeves
Vinnies Vibes - best group look (family, duo etc) - selected by Vinnies Bellingen Store Manager
Ripper Rockstar - dress one of the evening performers, or become a rockstar yourself - selected by GRXCE
10.00am – all day
PURPLECARD PROJECT – Community interactive textile waste mural, led by Siobhan Donges.
10.00am – all day
SALTWATER SISTAS – Natures Natural fibres weaving with Rhiannon Mitchell and friends.
10.30am– 1.30pm
ABBEY MITCHELL WEARABLE ART - creating sylish buttons and transferring prints onto old t-shirts and repurposing them into bags. (In the library)
10.30am – 1.30pm
JANINE BOYD – Furoshiki – the Japanese art of wrapping fabric without any sewing into bags, gifts and garmets. (In the library)
11.30am – 12.30noon
MARY WALKER TEXTILES – hands on sewing vintage lace and secondhand vintage table cloths onto garments.
12.30pm – 3.00pm
GET INSPIRED WITH LEMU - helping the community with their creations.
This event supported by a Bellingen Shire Council Environment Levy Community Fund grant
Major sponsor
Community sponsor
Partner organisations