Roll up, roll up, The Great Fashion Stitch Up is coming to town!
Australia is no.1 on the podium once again, though this time, it’s not something to be proud of; for this year, our nation has reached the unenviable position of sending more textile waste to landfill per capita, than any other country on the planet.
The Great Fashion Stitch Up, coming to Bellingen on Saturday 24th August, is part of a local solution to a global problem. The event, organised by manager of the Bellingen Vinnies store, Zenzi Rutter-Grace, is designed to help reduce the environmental impact of textile waste, while raising awareness of the importance of reducing consumption by repurposing garments and recycling.
Zenzi, who regularly sorts hundreds of kilos of textiles into four ‘streams’ for redistribution, said, “it’s an opportunity for our community to reflect on our shopping habits, such as buying second hand first, mending before spending and to discover some fun and stylish ways to repurpose old clothing”.
The event is sponsored by Vinnies and supported by a Bellingen Shire Council Environment Levy Community Fund grant.
Commencing at 9am at Maam Gaduying Park in front of Council Chambers and at Bellingen Library, the community is invited to participate in Wear It Workshops and talks with fashion designers the Yarn Yurt.
Zenzi explained, “everyone is invited to come and make creations out of a large pile of unsellable garments and textile waste that has been collected in Bellingen over the past couple of months, then strut their stuff later that evening.”
“There are four prize categories for outfits and plenty of assistance on hand, whether you choose to use a sewing machine or a glue gun, it’s very easy to get involved. Saving the planet has never been so fun or stylish!”
Golden tickets will be handed out to creators invited to strut their stuff at the Behind the Runway evening event at Bellingen Memorial Hall.
The evening session kicks off from 6pm with a licensed ramen noodle bar and features runway fashion shows interspersed with live performances from STARMAN The David Bowie Tribute Show, GRXCE – who are currently tour launching their debut EP ‘Sorry To be Sad’ – and local favourites Blind Pretty.
Head to for the full line up and ticket links.